
The band Dopapod have a new album available, and I like it very much, so went in search of their back catalogue of albums.

  • Radar (2009)
  • Drawn Onward (2011)
  • Redivider (2012)
  • Never Odd or Even (2014)
  • Megagem (2017)
  • Emit Time (2019)
  • Dopapod (2022)
  • Aiboh (2024)
  • Phobia (2024)

They each have a title that is a palindrome. Then I discovered that their live setlist may also spell out the word PALINDROMES:

Plaese Haalp
Aerials (System of a Down cover)
Indian Grits
Nude (Radiohead cover)
Dazed and Confused (Led Zeppelin cover)
Roid Rage
Same Damn Thing

Once favoured by Roman gentry as a passtime, the purpose of a palindrome is to exercise the brain, working within tight parameters to create something interesting and entertaining, and they can be used in various forms – words, phrases, sentences, or numbers – and they can be found in various contexts, including literature, music, and art. Palindromes can be used to create a sense of symmetry and balance, as seen in palindromic balancing in music, where the central movement is focused on to create a sense of harmony. Additionally, palindromes can be used to create a sense of wordplay and cleverness, as seen in palindromic phrases and sentences that are often humorous in their near-nonsense. Overall, the purpose of a palindrome is to create a sense of playfulness and creativity, while also exercising the brain and challenging thinking.

Classified as a jam band, and spending most of their time touring, they incorporate elements of funk, heavy metal, jazz fusion, progressive rock, and country.

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