“High-End” Blind Listening Results Vs Product Price

I’ve listened to the three audio samples from Archimago’s Musings blind listening survey four times.

I’m not convinced that I can hear any difference.

The results published from the 86 of 105 respondents to this survey who could hear a difference (19 couldn’t) show that a third of listeners chose each of the three samples as their preferred / best sounding. There is no statistically significant difference among the three options.

With a range of prices for the devices used to create the sample files from US$10 to US$20,000 that’s startling.

Separately, Archimago listened with a friend with instant switching between the two Linn streamers, and “neither of us could hear a meaningful difference despite the large price differential”.

This reinforces for me that there is a range of performance and a range of cost, and the two are not necessarily directly or linearly related.

The recent What Hi-Fi streamer “best of” list, for example, lists products at various price points …..

Budget (NZ$400)

Mid ($1825)

Premium ($6540)

High-end ($69500)

I would prefer to see the measured performance and comparison of sound quality among the seven models including two special options (they do comparative listening with the current leader at each respective price point).

Comparison only within a price point tier reinforces this marketing strategy, and doesn’t test the continuing validity, nor examine the relative value-for-money of products with very divergent prices.

Price may signal quality, but not deliver on the promise, especially if there’s a seller’s intention to exploit.

Even with honest intent, I wonder what I would get for US$20,000 if sound quality isn’t obviously far better.

In the streamer listing, the WiiM Pro Plus is designated as the budget option (the lowest priced), and I find it’s performance very satisfying, and purchased it on the basis of measurements done for ASR.

I’d like to see a listener ranking of the models as done in Archimago’s survey. Would there be any clear differentiation?

The links to the survey are here …..




The streamer selection is here …..


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