Sounds like a free lunch, to me

There’s no such thing as a free lunch, we are told. We’re advised that everything ultimately has a cost and nothing is truly free. Yet, in searching for ways to enhance my music streaming experience I found the latest version of FxSound, which has been upgraded, with more features, and now it’s opensource it’s free […]

Timbral tailor, no tone awry

I’ve been involved in several discussions in recent days about tone controls for amplifiers, and I’ve also read about loudspeakers tuned to overcome room effects, and a preamplifier with a ‘presence’ control. Equalisation is in the air, at least where I’m sitting! It’s probably not a coincidence that I’ll be 68 years old next week. […]

All ears for manual amplifiers

Our ears are shaped to capture sounds, and we can give them a helping hand when we need to. When we don’t understand what we’re hearing ….. When we don’t like what we’re hearing, or don’t want to hear it ….. How about getting more from our music listening? The military application for auricles was […]

Audio spectrum colouration

It’s commonplace to treat photos with filters to get mood effects that evoke emotions. Tone and other controls do the same for audio. This is the colour spectrum… This how the audio spectrum is commonly presented… For example, my Parks Puffin DSP phono preamplifier has a warmth control that pivots the frequency response of the […]