In acoustic awe of In-Akustik audio

Today’s delightful musical recordings discovery is three-fold. I stumbled on In-Akustik’s themed compilation album Great Men of Song. Firstly, the singers and the songs selected on this album are excellent, and I found some new names to delve into further. This is one of a series of Reference Sound Edition compilations worth checking out. The […]

HD video analogy for HiRes audio

We live in a social world that takes visual as preeminent, and auditory as secondary sensation. If you see what I mean. In expressing auditory effects, we might look to the visual for concepts and terminology. Image, focus, tone, and so on. In 4K video resolution more color detail is captured, which vastly improves gradual […]

What is audiophile-grade audio quality?

Whilst I am critical and quite pedantic about what people say, I don’t ridicule or bully. I do question and correct. This question came up on my Google search “audiophile nz”, and the selected response has too many “what?” statements to pass by without comment! I’ve learned so much from reading this ‘expert’ opinion. I’m […]

Going pro for system-room equalisation

At a time when the cost of much high performance audio equipment is falling, there are also the bling-priced so-called ‘high-end’ marketers’ products. After reading a blog post about alternatives to expensive room treatments, a light went on in my hi-fi brain. Widen the net to professional audio engineering, and pro audio products come into […]

“the first true leap forward in speaker technology in the last 90 years”

What is this? Is it true? A sonically invisible speaker cabinet … And Zero, the boxless speaker made from recycled materials ….. Also, earphones that modify the shape of your ear to reduce inherent distortion when listening to music. The claim is that instead of costly speaker and room upgrades, you can engance […]

Unwitting audiophile lucky dip

I can’t confidently explain what I have here. They were (seemingly) today’s cream on top of a heap of cast-off CDs. Two are (extended resolution) XRCD, and the Govi and Sarah McLachlan albums are HDCD. The Vivaldi recording is on SONY SACD, with 16 of the 18 pages in the hardcover package booklet devoted to […]